Jubilee year - Pilgrims of Hope
Pope Francis has named this year the 'Pilgrims of Hope'. Here at Holy Family we have launched the year with balloons, assemblies, songs and smiles. There will be lots to celebrate this year including a Jubilee disco, Lenten BIG WALK, jubilee lunch and we will all create a pledge to act more like Jesus for this special year.
Feast of Epiphany
This morning we 'chalked' our school door. The Church has a custom of blessing homes on the Feast of the Epiphany and the weeks following. We gather to ask for God's blessing on our homes and schools and those who visit them. It is an invitation for Jesus to be a daily guest in our comings and goings, our conversations, our work and play, our joys and sorrows. We chalk the following letters above the main entrance 20+C+M+B+25 The letters C,M,B have two meanings - they are the initials of the three Magi, they also abbreviate the latin 'May Christ bless this place' + represents the cross and 2025 is the year. The Blessing: The three wise men, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar followed the star of God's Son who became human two thousand and twenty five years ago. May Christ bless our school and remain with us throughout this Jubilee Year. Amen.
The Jesse Tree
Every morning of Advent, we meet as a whole school to retell the stories of the Jesse Tree and how God fulfills His promise to send down his son for us.
The Jesse Tree
We are nearly at Christmas time! Ask your child to tell you some of the stories that have led to the birth of Jesus.
The Sleepy Shepherd
Reception class led this year's nativity, The sleepy Shepherd, supported by Y1 and Y2 singing.
Blackpool Catholic School's Advent Mass
A beautiful shared worship was held at St. John Vianney. All the Blackpool catholic primary schools came together to share song, dance and scripture. Holy Family's senior choir sang 'Gabriel' message'; it was a truly moving way to celebrate the start of Advent.
Choir and Coffee
Thank you to all who attended our wonderful 'Choir and coffee' event! Student council raised £65 through your generous donations.
Shared Worship
Well done to our Y6 class who planned and shared a worship over the internet with Y6 at st. Bernadette's Catholic primary school. We plan to do more in the future.
CAFOD Brighten Up day
Well done to our Student Council who raised over £300 through face painting, biscuit decorating and dressing up. fantastic work!