As a one form entry Catholic Primary school, Governors will admit up to 30 pupils per class (PAN of 30 from EYFS to Year 6). Should the number of requests for places exceed this, places will be allocated according to the oversubscription criteria in the school's Admissions Policy below. We accept children of all faiths and no faith.


In-year transfers

If you are seeking a place at Holy Family from another Blackpool school and we have notified you of a free place, please complete the attached Transfer form. Please note that this needs to be signed by the Head Teacher of the Blackpool school your child currently attends.

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If you are seeking a place at Holy Family and your child is not currently in a Blackpool school please complete Blackpool Council's form and return this to School Admissions Team, Children’s Services Department, PO Box 4, Blackpool FY1 1NA

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If our school has reached capacity for the year group that you seek, you do have the right to appeal for a place. The form for appeal is attached below. Complete the form and return it to school, who will send this information on to the Blackpool schools' appeal panel. The panel will meet, along with chool and the applicant, to decide whether an extra place will be granted. 

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Admissions to School EYFS 2025

If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and 31st August 2021,  you must apply for a primary school Reception (EYFS) place for September 2024. (Applications are required for all children with a 4th birthday between 1st September 2024 and 31st August 2025.)

If you live in Blackpool  (pay council tax to Blackpool)-

APPLY FOR A SCHOOL PLACE ON-LINE AT:                                                                     

The on-line system offers a quick and secure means of applying for places.

Paper applications and information booklets are available from or telephone 01253 476637.




Applications received after the closing dates will be processed after all those which are received on time. If you apply late this may reduce your chance of an offer for one of your preferred schools.

(If you pay your council tax to Wyre or Fylde then you will need to access Lancashire's on-line application system at You can still express preferences for Blackpool schools on Lancashire's application system.)


Deferring entry

Parents can accept a reception place in the September after a 4th birthday and agree a delayed start within the same school year - but not beyond the start of the final term of that school year. We will reserve the offered place where a child will start reception in that school year. Further guidance can be found here: Summer born guidance                                           



The Blackpool Local SEN Leaflet has now been updated. Here is the link below.

Blackpool SEND local offer

Further information can also be found below.

Choosing a school for someone with SEND


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Information on how Blackpool will organise and hear admissions.