HRSE - Human relations and Sex Education

We follow the Lancaster Diocese HRSE scheme, ensuring that any teaching about love and sexual relationships in a Catholic school is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching about what it is to be truly human in Christ and be presented within a positive framework of Christian virtue.

The opportunity offered in Catholic schools is to encourage young people to recognise their interior beauty, their dignity as a human and through this to understand and value the worth of others. We hope that this builds on the experience of the home where, as children, we all experience our first expressions of love and form our early relationships. The challenge in school life is to develop this not just in an academic sense, but as a lived expression of belief ultimately, an invitation to hear the Good News.

“We must wonder! We must create an environment of wonder! We must create a climate of wonder! This task is closest to the family…Wonder is needed so that beauty might enter into human life, into society and the nation…We need to marvel at everything that is found in man.” Pope St. John Paul II

Updated: 25/04/2024 611 KB