History Intent


"We are not makers of history. We are made by history."

Martin Luther King, Jr.


We aim to deliver a high-quality history education, develop children at Holy Family into historians, which will help pupils gain sound knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. By encouraging a curiosity, we will develop children’s ability to: investigate and interpret the past, build an overview of world history, understand chronology and communicate historically.


Our implementation ensures full coverage of the History National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Sequenced whole history school curriculum.

Developing historical enquiry skills.

Use of historical tier three vocabulary.

Relevant cultural capital enrichment opportunities.

Open-ended questions which require justification and explanation

Continuous progression in skills and knowledge over time



Children can think critically about current events, having applied their historical knowledge /skills.

Children can apply historical knowledge to local area and apply to daily lives.

Children can think critically about the reliability and validity of different sources and select them appropriately.

Clear evidence of progression - in categories and concepts - overtime throughout a child's learning.


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Updated: 23/04/2024 330 KB