Science Intent



“The important thing in science is not so much to obtain new facts as to discover new ways of thinking about them.”

William Lawrence Bragg


We aim to ignite children’s curiosity about the world around them whilst equipping them with the enquiry skills required to seek solutions to the questions they raise, in order to have a deeper understanding of the world around them. Children believe that they have a future in science and act as leaders, whilst teachers facilitate their learning. Science teaches methods of enquiry and investigation to encourage creative thought. Children learn to ask scientific questions and are encouraged to engage in questioning and discussion about science-based issues which affect their lives, the society in which they live and the world as a whole.


Our implementation ensures full coverage of the Science National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Sequenced whole Science school curriculum.

Developing scientific critical thinking and enquiry skills.

Use of scientific tier three vocabulary.

Relevant cultural capital enrichment opportunities.

Children have a deeper understanding of phenomena and concepts.

Teachers feel more confident embedding science learning into the long-term memory.

Children are curious and think critically about current global scientific events.

Children can apply data-handling skills within science.

Children apply scientific knowledge to the local area and real life concepts.


Working scientifically, ask and answer open-ended questions with a clear progression of skills of enquiry.

Teachers and children develop subject-specific vocabulary orally and in writing.

Children recording their scientific ideas in practical ways.

Children want to become scientists.


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Updated: 23/04/2024 216 KB