MFL Intent


“To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.”

Chinese Proverb


To develop a love of language and deepen our understanding of the world in which we live. At Holy Family, we believe that the teaching and learning of MFL should provide an educational, social and cultural experience for all of our children. By doing this, we will raise the children’s awareness of the multi-lingual and multi- cultural world in which they live and develop and love of learning other languages.


Our implementation ensures full coverage of the MFL National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Sequenced whole school MFL curriculum.

Frequent recapping of previous knowledge, ensuring continuity and progression.

Use of high quality resources.

Role play to develop speaking skills

Songs and rhymes to add to working memory store of vocabulary.


Children eager to continue learning a foreign language at a higher level.

Children can communicate in Spanish with increasing confidence both orally and in prose.

Children can understand and respond to both written and spoken language.

Clear evidence of progression.


At Holy Family, we teach children Spanish from year 3 onwards. 

Updated: 23/04/2024 541 KB