Computing intent


“Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.” 

Chinese Proverb


We believe that computing is a subject that not only stands alone but is also an integral part of all learning. Computing is taught explicitly in each year group, within these lessons transferable skills are taught and used. We aim to provide a high-quality computing education, which equips children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Our computing curriculum is split into 5 key concepts; Computing in our lives, multimedia, Esafety, data handling and Programming. Pupils also complete learning tasks relating to online safety, and join in with Safer Internet Day in the spring term.


Our implementation ensures full coverage of the Computing National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Sequenced whole school computing curriculum.

Continuous progression in skills and knowledge over time.

Use all critical thinking skills within a range of coding contexts.

Variety of resources used to apply to different contexts.

Opportunity to demonstrate learning through different mediums.

Opportunity to use computing cross curricular.


Children can consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge to a variety of resources and contexts.

Skills, knowledge and understanding will be built upon year on year and applied in different contexts.

Children of all abilities can choose how to demonstrate their learning in a way that suits them.

Children to think critically when coding, knowing how to debug to solve errors.

Children learn skills that can be transferred to other apps and programmes.


Updated: 23/04/2024 558 KB