PE Intent


“Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”

John F. Kennedy


The intent of our PE curriculum is to deliver lessons and maximise the development of every child’s ability and achievement in the area of PE. This will enable them to know more about physical activity and keeping healthy. We aim for our pupils to remember more about the physical activity they participate in by learning about and understanding how to use and apply the skills they learn across a range of different sports.


Our implementation ensures full coverage of the PE National Curriculum Programme of Study.

Sequenced whole PE school curriculum.

Clear progression of skills to ensure challenge via the ‘PE Passport’

Opportunities to learn skills in Gymnastics, Dance, Games, Athletics  and Outdoor Adventure Activities.

Pupils are taught ensuring progression of the fundamental skills and tactical approaches; these are then applied to games such as netball, dodgeball, hockey, tag rugby and football.

In Years 5 and 4 children also attend weekly swimming lessons, with the aim of being able to swim 25m and gaining the basic water survival skills.


Progress will be evidenced in a range of ways, including pupil voice, their performances in competition.

Children will develop confidence and an appreciation for being fit and healthy.

Achievements are celebrated in assembly.

Teamwork building and communications skills are developed.

Children see themselves as Sportspeople.


Updated: 09/09/2024 20 KB
Updated: 23/04/2024 423 KB