Last year we were successfully awarded the CAFOD's Live Simply award. We were the first school in the Diocese of Lancaster to achieve this certifcation. You can learn all about the award through this video:

The aim of the award, inspired by Pope Francis' letter 'Laudato Si', is to encourage communities to work at local, national and global level. The work should be either to help people live SIMPLY, SUSTAINABLY, and in SOLIDARITY with others. 

Here at Holy Family, we encourage all staff and pupils to do as Jesus taught us 'In all things, love' and so we aim to think beyond ourselves and how fortunate we are here in Blackpool.

We dedicated a year to the award and, after an assessment with pupils and staff, we were fortunate to be awarded a plaque in recognition of our hard work.

We continue to follow the example of Jesus and try to serve others.

We are working towards the School of Sanctuary award. 

At Holy Family we are extremely fortunate to have the church so close to our school grounds meaning that we can visit at any time! Children are supported on their spiritual journey by many people within the parish community and we are incredibly lucky to have Father David Burns, who works across both parishes of St Bernadette’s and Holy Family, as our school chaplain. He is a regular visitor at school, with classes taking it in turns for a class Mass each week.

We welcome all parents, carers and our local parishioners to join us in our celebration of The Word at Mass every Thursday afternoon. Please phone the school office on 01253 354496 if you would like any more details.

Why not come along and enjoy the celebrations for Mass on Sunday at our church?

Mass begins at 11:30 am every Sunday at Holy Family and 10:00 am at St Bernadette’s.

LENT 2024

We focused on The Acts of Corporal Mercy in Lent 2024. Each class had one act to think about and either performed a service or raised money.